So, after long waiting here's the news alot of people have been waiting for :

The Recyceling system, called Point Shop.
They didnt say alot about the system, as it was some sort of an intervieuw. But it is comfirmed that it will come next update.
(''For more information go the the website after the maintenance'')
I'll check there and in game to see if I can figure out how it will work.

And now, the Pangya World Championship~!
Pangya USA already said they were entering.
The best 4 Pangya USA players will go to Japan!
So.. about YOU!?
Are you entering?
There are some big money prices on the table for you to win..! (& a nice trip to Japan!)
Well, this was it for now. I'll make an extra post about the Recycle System.
(Lets hope its easy to understand >.<)!
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