How've you been?
Still on vacation here but I could check some mail and when I did I found this..

Bath sets!
The ladies will get a towel, something for in their hair, and slippers to wear!
But thats not all!

When your done with bathing, you need to get into a nice robe and relax..
So thats what their are getting!
Also there are ducks for on the heads(all characters included)
(If you look close to the first picture you can see the Ducks on Max and Azer's heads)
(I think Hana, Arin, Ceci and Lucia will be getting the Towel set and its just Kooh is her robe)
(For now this is the only picture avalibe..)
Pangya JP will also release some new cut-ins :

When you hit a Toma, Spike or Cobra this funny picture appears!
These cut-in systems were here some time, but now they released new(and more funny)
Jeez, still not done here..
(and i'm on vacation.. lol)

Dirty Papel will be released(This is weird, as it has been released already and in the shops avalibe..)
Status :
Controle + 1
Spin + 5
It is in the shops for a limeted time and cost 200 Cookies(about 20k Points).
As we all know Nell has shown herself and the events are going(already are) to start(ing).
When you play 10 holes you move a square on a board.
After 20 squares : Nell Character + Feather For Nell.
After 40 squares : Titel
After 60 squares : Nell Blush + Rosy cheeks.
This is what you could win.
After the 5th of Agust the prizes will be given and after that you need to buy Nell.
If you look close in the Spa picture you can see Nell you know ... Look at Azer and Max and look above Max . Thats Nell peaking her little head in to . Lmaoo total Tales of Abyss and Symphonia moment :P
ReplyDelete^ Hah, I just noticed them. Now I guess that Nuri is gonna come rushing in trying to stop Azer and Max, (...and Nell I guess :P) get busted, get the holy hell beaten out of him, and obtain the title of "Peeping Tom" haha.
ReplyDeleteFull pictures of the set for each girl front and back.
Also kooh is the only one getting the after bath kimono thing.