I'm very tired, so i'll keep this post short.
I checked my mail just now, and saw I had the News Letter from Pangya JP. 3 things went through my mind :
1) YAY!
2) Should I post this now? Or wait a little?
(the mail usually arrives on thuesday)
Well, I guess you guys know what the new Gacha set is gonna be..

Project G 2 + String Clubset(this is the name of the new clubset).

I really want that set for Hana.. Guess this is gonna me my Avatar Icon for a while :

Or this one..

Remember the Feat. Azer and Max thing? Its true, I guess. They wont get a set but they are in the picture :

(Azer on the left, playing the drums and Max on the right, playing the Keybord)
Oh, also, you cant win the new club set in one go, there are 2 things you need to do before you can win them:
1) Win all sets, (Nell, Hana, Kooh, Lucia and Arin) Then you can win the clubset
2) When used 50 tickets + you can win the clubset.
This is a pain in the @ss. Why? Because the Japanese Gacha's rate decreases on the number of sets you win. Something like this :
2 Tries, Hana set.
4 Tries later(6 total) Kooh set.
8 Tries later (14 total) Lucia set, etc. (This is a random number)
Guess I wont be going for that club set then..

Cookie(points) promotion ~
Buy cookies, get 66% extra. Or win stuff, I dunno, its unclear and i'm to tired to figure it out now, lol.
Well, that was it!
good update, really love those outfits. Can't wait until they come to global
ReplyDeleteI really like Koohs and Lucias and nells set but honestly i think hanas and arins are GASTLY but that's just my opinion i guess...
50 tickets makes you win the clubset for sure. It's not random afterwards.
ReplyDeleteHi HappyFlute!
ReplyDeleteThis is probably my last Gacha attempts on Pangya JP (unless there's a special caddie or a useful ring).
I used 50 tickets and got the 5 sets, and also the Clubset (you can unlock it as soon as you have played 50 tickets or if you win all the sets, the Clubset can drop randomly).
Some pictures below:
Hana: http://i53.tinypic.com/bfrlhl.jpg
Arin: http://i51.tinypic.com/17cvmd.jpg
Nell: http://i53.tinypic.com/21lmw6o.jpg
Kooh: http://i55.tinypic.com/287gkkm.jpg
Lucia: http://i54.tinypic.com/2mzl54n.jpg
Clubset: http://i53.tinypic.com/245c45x.jpg (there is a special logo and a music is played when you hit Pangya. My only regret is that there are no voices for the characters...)
I wish you luck if you try.
wow the stats on that club are horrible
Wow skud, nice run!! Saw your video.. 4 sets in a row.. Wow!! Congrats!!