Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nells Motion(..Poor Pepper).

So, here you go guys! Nell's & Peppers motions!

There is one motion missing, the long putt. As I dont have long putts often and when I do they miss, I wont be uploading it.

Poor Pepper.. TUNACAN FTW! >:D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Erm... sorry for the flood, I don't now how to edit my post and I forgot to comment one more thing D:

    As I said before, poor Pepper, I hope that Pepper scraches her face >:D

    And that club spin animation is so strange, she doesn't looks like the "physical type" if you get what I'm saying.

    However, Nice video, can you make one with her at the PSquare?

  3. Actually, to add onto what Momo said, those club spinning animations seem really buggy to me and seem to be the only animations that don't suit her character. I'm also still really PSQ curious too :D

    I'm actually kinda curious to see how long her animations stay that way. Lucia got her animations changed not long after her release to new, shorter animations that "Better suited her personality"

  4. I'll sure try, all I can do is make her run tho.. you need a Japanese keyboard to make her do stuff!
